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It’s not about you. When your offers don’t sell on Social Media.


It’s not about you.
Seriously. Let’s just take that off the table.

Lately there seems to be a lot of what did I do wrong and self-blame going around on in the social media world. People are giving up. Closing their group’s down. Moving on and shrugging their shoulders at the mystery why they could never get the business they wanted online.

You’re not alone. There’s an entire group of people out there starting to feel kind of crappy about what’s happening in our ‘socials’  biz. life. Like we’re putting all sorts of time and energy into posting content and sharing from the heart and interacting with people, learning and doing webinars and hiring coaches and and and . . .

All that work! Getting all excited for group promo days where we share our heartfelt passion, our love, our baby and . . .  Crickets


So you try it again and the same thing happens. And then again the next week. 

And then your confidence crashes.  You look at your ‘competition’. You start to feel poorly about yourself. You start doubting what you’re doing and your energy plummets.

And do you know what?


It’s. Not. About. You.

You ARE good at what you do. Your information and love and heart centered passion of your biz is so valid. And it is needed and wanted!

All that’s happened is you have fallen victim to what so many of us have experienced.

The Social Media Algorithms.

That and the fact that you are likely sharing your content in area with thousands of people are. The cold hard truth is that there might be only 4 to 10 people who ever see what you’re putting out there.  Not the best of odds.

Yet as spiritual people and entrepreneurs, we are an awesome, diverse group of people with different wants and needs. Trust me when I say, there are people out there who need what you are offering.


So don’t give up.

Please don’t lose hope and get disheartened. Because after all, it’s only one form of media. One way of marketing yourself.

You are amazing. And if you needed to hear it, I for one am really proud of you.
Even if we don’t know each other, I know you’re out there working it everyday. Being frustrated and still going. Serving your people, your groups – your friends.

Being your amazing self and lifting up the energy of everyone around you because you are doing it for yourself first!
And thank you for that.


So stick with it!

Because it’s going to happen. And not just because of your passion, tech savvy and the spirit family around you helping out – but because you are an amazing and tenacious woman. And you CAN make the choice to just keep doing it & remember that just because you don’t get seen at first, doesn’t mean it has anything to do with you as a person.

Want to Learn More about Facebook’s News Feed and how the Algorithms affect you?


So now Id love to hear from you!

  • What do you do when your spiritual and wellness offerings arent selling?



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